Teen miljoonia
sunnuntai 20. maaliskuuta 2011
lauantai 19. maaliskuuta 2011
back to topic
I have noticed that buying beer and returning cans and bottles after you have drank all beer isnt really good business; my bank accounts balance is -500€. You can't get rich by doing that, am I right?
So i try'd another tactic: i had a party for my friends, and you can do the math: over 50 people drinking only beer is almost 24x50 bottles and cans! but unfortunately, things gone wrong. They literature burned my house down, so my balance is not that good. pic related
perjantai 18. maaliskuuta 2011
torstai 17. maaliskuuta 2011
päivittäisen blokijulkaisun hetki. jännittänä hetki. käyätn englannoksiin google transleittia, se on jännitävää. alla sama jännä englanniksi
daily blog publishing moment. tense moment. I englannoksiin
Google Translate, it's exciting. under the same exciting English
tiistai 15. maaliskuuta 2011
Auttaisivatko viikset suunnitelmani toteutumisessa? Kaikilla suurmiehillä on ollut viikset, esim. Tarja Halosella.
Implementation of the plans would help a mustache? All the big men have had a mustache, for example, Tarja Halonen.
Getting Started (same in english)
I was going to do some sight seeing terribly rahoo pullojapalauttamalla, but theproblem is the competition, professionals have a clear territorial division, and new friends want to, nor required.
My blog will represent your business to get rich valloittamalla Finnish returnablemarket, either good or evil.